Monday, December 6, 2010
  1. Ho,V. (2008). Hotels, Restaurants, Resorts, Spas, Shops Malaysiachic. Singapore: Editions Didier Millet Pte Ltd.
  2. Bell,B. (2007). Insight Guides, Malaysia. Singapore: Apa Publications GmBh & Co. Verlag KG (Singapore branch).
  3. Moore, W. (2008). This Is Malaysia. Singapore: HBM Print Ltd.
  4. Ong, E. (1997). Living In Sarawak. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.
  5. Hutton, W. (2007). Journey Through Sabah. Malaysia: Times Offset (M) Sdn.Bhd.
  6. Gawai Dayak. Available at Last accessed 1 December 2010.
  7. 22nd Sabah Fest Cultural Extravaganza 1st-2nd May 2010. Available at Last accessed 1 December 2010.
  8. Confucianism. Available at Last accesed 3 December 2010.
  9. Traditional Indian Clothing. Available at Last accessed 3 December 2010.
  10. Tourism Impacts of Malaysia. Available at Last accessed 6 December 2010.